Organizational Forms

New Rugby Club Application for Rugby Texas - Welcome and congratulations on starting a new youth and/or high school rugby program in your community and/or school. Please fill out the "New Club Application form" to be apart of the worlds fastest growing sport.

Rugby Texas Match Change/Add Request - Request a new match or change an existing one. Match adds/changes within 14 days are subject to Director of Competitions approval. 

Competitions Report Form - Both Home and Visiting teams are required to submit a Competitions Report Form. Failure to complete the form after competitions may result in lost competition points in league standings. 

Manual Disciplinary Report - Submit reports of off-field foul play including of coach/spectator referee abuse. 

Player Transfer Request - Submit an in-season player transfer request

Match Day Documents

Match Roster- To be completed with copies for referee and opposing admin before the start of a competition. 

Front Row Waiver Form- Acceptance of responsibility for the proper training of any front row player by a qualified coach. Must be completed and delivered to match referee prior to competition. 

Organizational Documents

Rugby Texas Bylaws- Organizational procedures and structure. 

Rugby Texas Code of Conduct- A full list of expectations for all Rugby Texas participants including spectators, players, and coaches. 

Application for Rugby Texas dues Scholarship- Application for Rugby Texas dues. 

Rugby Texas Play Up/Down Policy- Outline of requests for play up/down. 

Rugby Texas Game Day Procedures- Outlines considerations for HS game day. 

Progression of Play - "PoP" Youth (U6 - U14) Guidelines- Official guidelines/policies plus law variations for ALL play within Rugby Texas Youth Rugby. 

Rugby Texas Age Bands- Rugby Texas operates under a two year age band through YOUTH U6 thru U14. Currently High School is a four year band. RT looks forward to having a U16 in the 2025/2026 season with continued growth. 

Rugby Texas Concussion Protocol- Summary of RT and USAR concussion policy and reminder about NO HIA in club rugby. 

Web Links